Team Development Process

Most business leaders understand that significant performance gains can be achieved through teamwork, and yet few organizations get the results from their teams that they expect.

In most cases, team membership is a part-time role. Team members are selected for their knowledge and expertise, and their primary role is to fulfill functional responsibilities.

The fact that their membership on a team is a part-time role does not mean it is a less important role. Each team member needs to understand the difference between these two roles: their responsibilities to their primary job and their responsibilities to the team. These two sets of responsibilities are different, and usually require quite different behaviors.

Effective teamwork cannot be achieved unless team members understand the need to switch from one role to the other. To do this, they must exhibit flexibility (the willingness to mentally switch roles) and behavioral adaptability (the skill and knowledge required to effectively perform both roles).

The Team Development Process helps team members develop both flexibility and adaptability, as well as provide critical measurement that keeps the team focused on its performance rather than on the personalities of team members, or team building for its own sake.

Learn more about our Team Alignment Survey

Learn more about our Flexibility and Trust Survey.

Sharon’s leadership abilities are truly inspiring. She has a gift of looking at how a group of people operates and knowing just which positive interventions to use to get the group working together smoothly.

- Company President