DevelopPEOPLE Blog: What is your favorite leadership quote and why?

What is your favorite leadership quote and why?

how to be a leader image of sharon wingronSo many people have written or spoken about the qualities of leadership over the centuries. These are quotes that inspire us to reach higher, to persist despite obstacles, or even to be kinder, gentler people. To one degree or another, we all stand on the backs of giants. Our high standard of living is the result of the hard work and difficult study of generations before us. Only 7 years ago, there was no Facebook. 10 years ago, the average cellphone couldn’t answer emails. 30 years ago, there were no emails – because the PC had just been released. So – what is your favorite quote about leadership? What inspires you to get up and do your part? To persist despite reasons not to? Email your response. I’ll discuss some in a future post, along with the quotes that inspire me.
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