Your Develop PEOPLE team is excited to announce that an updated Everything DiSC® Management Profile will be launched on October 31, 2013. This new Management Profile will provide several benefits over the older profile:
Adaptive testing. Adaptive Testing adjusts questioning to match your previous answers, giving the potential for additional priorities and shading associated with their DiSC style. This also means better, more accurate results and even greater understandings associated with the DiSC system.
New layout and design. Every page of the profile and facilitation kit has been updated with new colors and redesigned to make the information easier to absorb.
Increased personalization. The profile includes additional personalized introduction about your DiSC style, dot, and additional priorities (if any).
Overview of the DiSC styles. There’s an additional appendix with a snapshot of the four basic DiSC styles, featuring the priorities associated with the Everything DiSC Management Profile.
Previously completed Management Profiles. Beginning October 31, 2013, you’ll be able to either regenerate Management Profiles (completed after July 21, 2012) or send a free access code (those completed before July 21) to produce the updated profile for free.
We look forward to servicing you and your team with this better, more accurate Everything DiSC Management Profile.
If you’d like to purchase additional profiles, you may purchase them immediately by clicking this link to visit our store.
If you are a facilitator, please contact me directly to find out more about how these and other upcoming changes will make your facilitation easier and more effective.