DevelopPEOPLE Blog: Good news! New Everything DiSC Management Profile

Good news! New Everything DiSC Management Profile

Your Develop PEOPLE team is excited to announce that an updated Everything DiSC® Management Profile will be launched on October 31, 2013. This new Management Profile will provide several benefits over the older profile: Adaptive testing. Adaptive Testing adjusts questioning to match your previous answers, giving the potential for additional priorities and shading associated with

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DevelopPEOPLE Blog: Can Charisma be Taught?

Can Charisma be Taught?

“Natural charisma” is often discussed when people describe certain leaders in our society. Bill Clinton, for one, is apparently tremendously charismatic in person. There are numerous other examples – people who just have “it” – power and personal force that compels others to listen and follow. Is charisma something that can be taught, or, are

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